Sunday, February 12, 2012

Surubami Pt. 1

I live in a city called Surubami. It was designed by the government as an industrial zone on the outskirts of the bigger cities. Not much happens here.

I work at the Dynaconn Silicon and Aggregates Refinery Plant. Dynaconn is a subsidiary of Medical Mechanica. Medical Mechanica is a ninety-five percent market share. 

Every day I wake up in Surubami and see the steam coming from the State Grid freighters on the Koenma River. And each day I take the subway across the river to the Yingli district for work.

The steam and smoke from the refinery plant make it hard to see past Surubami. I’ve never been to the mountains or out to sea. I sometimes wonder if my life happened a long time ago and now my memories are stuck here in a cloud. I tell Chaka this at lunch and she leaves her mark on me. She just says not much happens here. 

1 comment:

  1. You say, "I sometimes wonder if my life happened a long time ago and now my memories are stuck here in a cloud." This mi amigo, is beautiful. I can only relate. There is no color here. Mi abuela used to tell me of such a thing like color. I here of mountains and the sea too, through memories and through other blogs. I have began to enter this other world called xseño. Here there are things like mountains and lakes, and I can understand why you would love to see these things. The real thing, I'm not sure is around anymore, but it's always nice to image. The clouds of smoke cover my village, and I wonder what has really passed.
