Monday, February 20, 2012

On break

            On the way to work today something alarming happened.

I was on the subway. I was watching one of those historical documentary TV ads. It was early. The cabs weren’t too crowded yet.

There was a pretty woman holding a baby--and beside her, an out of the ordinary looking man shouting at a slightly older, slightly less pretty version of the woman with the baby.
This continued for a moment and was mildly annoying.
Bump, bump, bump. The subway was getting busier. Bump, bump, bump. Whether it was from the annoying argument or the unpleasant ride, I can’t say, but that baby burst out crying as if in pain.
The shrieks dulled the senses of everyone in the cab. All eyes watched. It became clear to me that the man and women weren’t from around here. I could hardly tell what they were saying.
The man began screaming at the baby for a time. I couldn’t tell what he was saying at all though. It was uncomfortable to watch. The woman who held the baby eventually got him to stop.
When I got off the subway I lost myself in work.      


  1. This is my first time reading your blog, and I wanted to tell you that I really like what you post. Even though it's kind of hard for me to go outside, your posts for some reason make me feel a little less afraid. It seems like you're doing a lot more walking through your life than falling.

    All those flowers in the background look neat, too.

  2. Life seems to have a mix of shitty and not so shitty events. If you can put up with the shitty events, you'll then be exposed to those who are amazingly, inspiring, and wonderful. It'll balance in time.

  3. Kevin thanks for the kind words. Good advice Moreaux!
