Sunday, February 12, 2012

Surubami Pt. 2

“Shinta make the baby shut up!”

“Can’t you see I’m trying Ninamori!”

            And he was, but the baby was obviously hungry and the crying couldn’t be helped while Sue-Sue was asleep. Sue-Sue had been asleep in the next cabin since they’d left. She needed her rest though. I don’t want the crying to wake her, Shinta thought.

            “And another thing Shinta, why are you taking us to Surubami! Don’t you think you’d have better luck finding work in Shandong or Wuxi?”

Shinta didn’t reply. Why Sue-Sue had insisted on bringing her sister was beyond him. She could rot on that toxic farm for all he cared. He was getting Sue-Sue and the baby out.

“If you thought that at the station Ninamori then why did you even come?”

Ninamori’s face went indignant and was about to burst into argument but then, as quickly as she’d gone sour, she thought better of it and did her best to ignore Shinta.

They’d been on the train for over three hours and were all starting to get edgy.  

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